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appFigures Highlighted in New O’Reilly Book

Ariel Michael, appFigures co-founder and frequent contributor to this blog, is featured in Ken Yarmosh’s new book, App Savvy: Turning Ideas into iPad and iPhone Apps Customers Really Want.

We here at appFigures are mighty proud of Ariel’s interviewing prowess and so this morning we heaved him up onto our shoulders, completed a champagne-fuelled victory lap around the office, and then gingerly returned him to his seat.

App Savvy, Ken explains, “was written to be a field manual for those wanting to successfully launch iPad and iPhone apps into the App Store. The book details a proven strategy for taking an idea and turning it into an App Store sale. Aside from sharing my own process, there are two or three interviews in every chapter with practical insight from some of the most successful App Store publishers.”

Pay particular attention to Chapter 9 – Measuring Success and Future Development, where Ariel expounds upon, among other things, measuring success and future development.

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