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Introducing Pinned Views

We’ve been hard at work the past few months adding new reports and more data sources to the platform. The more we add though, the more there is a need for a simple way to navigate between reports while retaining the chosen filters, selected apps, graph toggles, etc.

We put a lot of thought into creating a simple solution, and today I’m happy to introduce the result: pinned views.

A view is made up of all of the options and filters a report has to offer (such as the selected apps, dates, type of graph, etc.). Once a view is pinned it becomes available from every report, making it easy to jump between views with a single click.

When pinning a view you’ll be able to share it with everyone in your account. This can be a great time saver if you have a lot of sub-users.

You can use pinned views on every report on the site: simply open the pinned views menu (), click the button, and name the view.

We quietly rolled this out a couple of weeks ago and today, after thorough testing, we’re making it official. If you’re interested in reading more about the nuts and bolts check out the FAQ.

This is another feature that’s a direct result of user suggestions, so please keep them coming.