#AFtalks Special: App Store Insights
Welcome to our #AFtalks recap!
This week we’ve put together a special discussion, and looked at interesting insights developers should keep in the back of their minds about iOS App Store and Google Play.
We started by looking at how fast developers are producing apps with a simple question: How many iOS and Android apps do you think were released this year?
A: 402K iOS apps and 690K Android apps were released so far this year. That’s roughly 35K apps per week!
That’s quite a lot of apps. But there’s more. On average, how many iOS and Android apps do you think are updated every month?
A: 258K iOS and Android apps are updated in a month. That’s 353 apps per hour!
Developers are keeping Apple and Google very busy. Next, we looked at how they’re monetizing: What percentage of iOS and Android apps do you think monetize with in-app purchases?
A: 11% of all free iOS and Android apps monetize with in-app purchases. Half of those are Games.
And while we’re on the topic of ads: Which type of SDK do you think is installed in more apps, ads or analytics?
A: Not Analytics! Ads/Monetization SDKs are installed in the most number of iOS & Android apps, with AdMob and Chartboost in the lead.
And lastly, aside from Games, what do you think the top 3 categories with most iOS and Android apps are?
A: Entertainment, Lifestyle, & Education are the top three categories with the most number of iOS and Android apps.
Check out the full chat on the #AFtalks hashtag!
A huge thanks to all those that were part of today’s discussion! Join us for our weekly Twitter chat every Tuesday at 1pm ET (bring your friends!). See you all next week where #AFtalks about Going Indie.
- Explorer, our competitive app intelligence and discovery platform, where we found all our interesting tidbits.