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Updated Exchange Rates

We’ve just updated the exchange rates used to convert profits. Up until today we were using Apple’s (conservative) exchange rates but due to many general requests we decided to start using mid-range exchange rates (provided by Citi Bank via Google) for all conversions.

Keep in mind that actual profits may be different than your appFigures amounts for two main reasons:

  1. Exchange rates may be slightly different at the time payment is sent to your bank.

  2. There may be fees or other costs required by your bank to receive the transfer from Apple.

appFigures uses the following rates table to convert currencies: (EDIT – Added CAD rates)

USD 0.72228241 0.6084576 1.25628141 96.54373 1.1324
EUR 1.3845 0.8424095 1.73932161 133.6648 1.576188
GBP 1.6435 1.18707114 2.06469849 158.6696 1.83664
AUD 0.796 0.5749368 0.4843322 76.84881 0.899239
JPY 0.010358 0.0074814 0.0063024 0.01301256 0.011802
CAD 0.88308 0.63444213 0.5444725 1.11205138 84.7323
  • Profits are converted when a report is generated and not when imported.

Thank you for following up on this @Matt