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An Update About App Store Connect Syncing with Two-Factor Authentication

For the last few weeks App Store Connect has been experiencing issues with Two-Factor Authentication where logins wouldn’t persist for more than a few days even though they’re supposed to persist for 30 days for account owners and never expire for everyone else.

Because of this, syncing has been unstable for some members. We reported the issues to Apple, and while waiting managed to find a temporary workaround that would resume syncing. We’re testing this workaround with a few accounts and will roll it out to all affected account later this week.

The workaround enables syncing downloads and revenue, but can’t import payments, usage, or ad spend data. When the issue is resolved permanently all of these will be synced and up-to-date.

Important: We highly recommend using a dedicated sub-account without Two-Factor Authentication. It’s a secure solution that will allow for smooth syncing.

Instructions: How to link your App Store Connect account securely

Please contact us directly if you have any questions about this workaround, syncing, or setting up a dedicated sub-account.