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New: Get a Summary of App Downloads & Revenue to Slack

We’ve rolled out a new type of alert that sends a daily or weekly summary of your downloads, revenue, and subscription metrics right into your Slack.

New sales summary alerts from Appfigures to Slack

The Sales Summary alert will include the following data points:

  • Downloads
  • Downloads trend for the last week
  • Revenue from app sales and in-app purchases
  • Revenue from ads
  • Active subscriptions
  • New subscriptions
  • Churn

Setting up a Sales Summary alert is a breeze with the new Alert management panel:

  1. Go into Manage > Alerts
  2. Click on “Add new alert” and select “Sales Summary”
  3. Select the apps you’d like to get this alert for, or leave blank to get a summary for all apps in your account
  4. Select the interval, daily or weekly
  5. Select on Post to Slack and choose the Slack channel you want the alert to be sent to
  6. Click on “Create alert” and you’re all done 🎉