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New Integrations: AdColony, Playhaven, RevMob and Vungle

appFigures adds support for AdColony, Playhaven, RevMob, and Vungle

One of our core features is showing you all of your revenue. Whether it’s app sales, in-app purchases or advertising, you need to see an accurate bottom line in a single place, without having to log into multiple providers. To make that happen, in the last few months we’ve been focusing on ad networks. A few weeks ago we rolled out two new integrations and today we’re rolling out four more: AdColony, Playhaven, RevMob, and Vungle.

To link your ad networks, open Account settings → Linked accounts and click the Link account button. Reports from the newly linked account(s) will be available within a few minutes on the site, as well as through the API.

We now support nine ad networks including: iAd, AdMob, InMobi, Chartboost, Tapjoy, Playhaven, AdColony, RevMob, and Vungle.

P.S – If you’re using a network we haven’t integrated yet, please let us know.